This movie is surprisingly similar to the matrix film but maybe it's because both are based off the same idea from Plato's allegory. But at the end of the movie Truman finally is free from his fake life and gets to go out into the real world and experience it. If I was in his position I would have probably done the same thing too.
If I had a choice to live in a place with "nothing to fear" and going out into a world with me knowing very little about it, It would have to depend on the situation. If i was in a world where there was nothnig to fear but people were watching me 24/7 then i'd rather go into that other one i have no idea about. Because I would rather not be watched forever until i turn old and die and i would suspect that the outside world would be much better since there are people out there after all. If it was something like the matrix then I would rather stay int he matrix. Christof says that we accept the environment that is given to us and therefore we wouldn't know whether to leave or not since we've become so accustomed to where we grew up in. The matrix world is more sophisticated and much more very real, no one in there is an actor or some one who is "in on it" other than the unplugged humans and the machines. Maybe it's also because the matrix world is so much alike to the world we live in, and that's probably why i would choose it over the real world.
15 years ago