Wednesday, October 7, 2009


When I first read this part of the book, I had totally no idea what they were talking about. Metaphysics and a metaphysics are apparently two different subjects.


And I got completely lost when they said you need to know metaphysics to develop a metaphysics. Well the book starts off by explaining this in a manner where it seems like they want your brain to simply explode. But I took that risk and found out that they are in fact explaining that in order to know a metaphysics you need to start with metaphysics with no “a” in front of it. We can call “a” metaphysics truth and metaphysics understanding truth.

They book starts off by explaining the differences between the sciences and metaphysics and it eventually comes to a point where it mentions something called ontological statuses of real and unreal. Then they mentions sources. The book says that we know the source of things such as electrical impulses or where cars are made or where and how babies are made but what we do not know is the main source. Basically where did it all begin? It’s kind of like that chicken or the egg question except where did either come from?

Ontology is the study of existence ( The book explains that there is a distinct difference between the matrix and the real world because the real world has sources that are different from the matrix. In the matrix, everything is pretty much a program and in the real world the sources are real. But the main source we don’t know exactly but there is one is what the book suggests. I think in the real world from the matrix it’s the architect and he is mentioned at some point in the movie.


  1. A queation of blog 4 is pretty hard and words are very strange. But I understand a little bit by the professor's explanation. That's the reason why we should learn. ringt? Study hard for A.
    Have a nice week!

  2. I agree i think the cause is the arhitect who is mentioned in the third part.He was the one who created the Matrix.

  3. I got lost the first time i read that too lol.

  4. Yea I agree with you , But this really just blew my mind lolz
