Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Blog 9 Project Idea

I'm planning on doing a video blog. I'm not ecxactly sure about the topic but i think I'll do something on snowboarding with an appearance of yours truly. I'm not gonna do a video on just doing a few simple tricks since I'm not very good at doing such things but I think i can do some sort of an instructional video on the whole thing.
Or I think i can do a video on life itself. such as what people might think about it. Why do you think we live? Is there a whole purpose as to why we're here right now or is it some whole other unnatural force out there? I want to interview and do a documentary on the philosophies of different people's views on life. Other than that I think there are a couiple of other good ideas that I can try putting on video.
Another idea can be a humorous skit about something. The ideas seem to be endless for me!

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